Vision Statement

We are an international movement and community of women of different cultures, social backgrounds and generations. We trust in the Spirit of God, Mystery and Source of Life.
We are called to create a sustainable world, transforming our planet into a place of peace and justice.
We acknowledge that we are part of the whole of creation, striving to live simply and to nurture a culture of care for all the earth.
We are determined to look for signs of hope in a complex world.
We are strengthened by the compassionate energy and creative action of women.

Born in the Catholic tradition, the movement is grounded in the Christian faith and challenged by the radical call of the teachings of Jesus. Today we are women of various religious traditions and on life-giving spiritual journeys. And we share the same Grail vision. We recognise that in each of our Grail countries, our expressions of faith, religion and spirituality reflect our own realities and cultures. We respect and acknowledge these differences.

Recognizing the global realities we confront, we are committed to growing together and learning from one another’s wisdom, experience and spiritual search.

(Affirmed by The Grail International General Assembly, Kleinmond, South Africa, September 2011)